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When The Wild Life online slot machine is launched, players are welcomed by a striking image of the setting sun on the vast African plains. The orange and yellow shades that riddle the sky are decorated at the bottom by silhouettes of canopy trees that match the black hue of the ground beneath them. The centre of the screen is occupied by the playing grid, which carries five reels with a skin-like canvas to lay characters on. Greenery runs all around the columns while ten play lines cut across. Welcome bonuses reward players when they make their first real money deposit. The exact terms and requirements vary from casino to casino and some offers that seem too good to be true probably will be. Before you commit your cash, we recommend checking the wagering requirements of the online slots casino you’re planning to play at. These will explain how much of your money you’re required to deposit upfront, and what you can expect to receive in return. The best bonuses will offer large payouts on minimal deposits.
The China Shores online slot was developed by Konami, one of the best software providers in the iGaming industry. We love the quirky graphics and unique features of their games. Yes, the China Shores 3D has a Quick Strike online version which comes with a progressive jackpot. There is also a wild symbol, which will appear in the form of a panda but make sure to bet not just on reel 1 to get a chance for it. As for the scatter symbol, you can receive 8, 10, 15 free spins upon landing of 3, 4, 5 icons. The piece sign is a trigger symbol that works only on activated pay lines. All wins with the trigger symbol are multiplied by the bet size per each line. There are also free spins available with the welcome bonus after registration or when you get from 3 to 5 Ying Yang symbols in one pay line. They are good for respinning. Available bonus rounds take players from standard reels to bonus games. Players can also try retriggering here.
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